Thanks to one of my favorite blogger,
Mary Brack, I found
Take Me Deeper Study. This isn't really an art group but a weekly devotional that gives you ideas (prompts) to help build your relationship with God through the year. Most of us have decided to respond through art, but it's not required.
Just like
my journey with Documented Life, this group also has a monthly theme that the devotions center around. January's month is all about Transforming.
Week One's devotion was about Transforming
Willingly. Below is my art take on the devotion and a bit about my creation.
I struggled with this for a week. I couldn't understand why I had a hard time. Usually I can think of something to do for anything. I read the devotion multiple times, still I struggled. So I reached out to the group, through the forums, and asked for some help. It wasn't til another lady asked a few questions that I realized what my problem was, and it wasn't fear of the blank page...
No my problem was that I having a heart problem with this devotion. It was totally me. I was having a hard time not with the devotion but what God was speaking to me. He was saying that it's all about giving away, to let go, to loose control. Ouch. That wasn't what I was expecting from Him. So I painted it out.
"Sometimes, we forget our hearts aren't
perfect so why wouldn't we hand them [to a]
God who is?"
This is what God was speaking to me. God doesn't break our hearts, we do. We place dreams, goals, ideas above Him and think all we want will happen but if it's not in His plan, all will fail. God NEVER fails us. Why do we forget that?
This devotion taught me alot about myself, our hearts as humans, and our wonderful God. I can't wait to share with you guys week two. If you are interested, please join in! It's never to late to start with God, or art. haha.
I hope that you were able to gain something or that you least enjoyed my art.

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